Is Buying Blog Posts On Fiverr Worth It? (Let’s See!)

Well, who doesn’t like to outsource copywriting work whenever possible – I know I do! But when ordering good written blog post / website content online the price matters just as much as the quality of the final text. Let’s take a closer look at Fiverr blog writing services which I’ve tested and used many times over on my blogging journey across various different web portals.

  1. Fiverr Blog Posts – Quality vs. The Price
  2. How To Get Cheap Blog Posts Written On Fiverr?
  3. How To Find a Good Blog Post Writing Gig on Fiverr?
  4. So, Is Fiverr Really Worth It For Blog Posts and Website Content?
  5. Ordering Blog Posts on – The Summary

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Fiverr Blog Posts – Quality vs. The Price

Well, first things first, you can find two kinds of blog post writing gigs on Either they are very expensive and usually yield great results without much experimentation or trial and error on your side, or they are very affordable, but come with a larger risk of receiving work that’s not exactly up to your exact expectations or needs.

I’ve ordered a great deal of blog posts and blog post articles on Fiverr, and in my own experience, lower quality of the copy sometimes can become an issue when it comes to the much lower priced gigs which are certainly tempting to get into if you’re on a tight budget (like I was before).

With that said, I had many great experiences with the cheaper side of Fiverr writing gigs, and I received many good quality ~1500 word articles for quite positively surprising prices!

Your most important takeaway from all this should be something that you’re probably already expecting by now. Head on to the next paragraph for that!

How To Get Cheap Blog Posts Written On Fiverr? has lots and lots of great offers when it comes to quality copywriting. You can find people writing about almost every subject, offering their work for sometimes vastly different prices. has lots and lots of great offers when it comes to quality copywriting. You can find people writing about almost every subject, offering their work for sometimes vastly different prices.

The only right answer for this question seems to be: experiment with different sellers and find the one that really “clicks” with you and is able to deliver you the high quality SEO optimized content that you really need.

Among cheaper writing gigs (so in general somewhere around ~5-20$ for ~1000 words), you will naturally find more inexperienced and lower-skilled writers that can be more likely to under-deliver or disappoint you if you’re looking for affordable content fast.

This however, connected with the fact that you’re not paying big bucks for each of your articles here and in most cases you’re able to refund/revise the content that has been created for you, tends to become less of a big deal.

With the abundance of new sellers who often in the beginning tend to start out with ridiculously low prices simply for the sake of promotion, you have a really good chance of finding a hidden gem. In the upcoming paragraph we’ll go over a few ways on how to filter out offers that are likely to be good for all your needs.

From around 10 last articles I ordered (counting only the ones on cheaper side >$25), only 2 of them I found to be unsuitable for my needs and overall low quality. This is a very nice score considering the only thing I really did to ensure the articles quality was quick and basic on-platform sellers profile research.

This much I can tell you from my long and fruitful past with the platform – because it’s really that simple. Find a gig for a good price – check if the offer description matches your requirements and order away!

Fiverr is as of now one of the best places for finding various types of writing gigs, and one of the most popular places online to get affordable optimized SEO friendly blog post or website content, be it long-form write-ups or short product descriptions. Start browsing the Fiverr writing gig collection now!

How To Find a Good Blog Post Writing Gig on Fiverr?

It goes without saying that choosing the best offer is the most important think when ordering blog post articles or website content online - is no exception!
It goes without saying that choosing the best offer is the most important think when ordering blog post articles or website content online – is no exception!

Here are some of the best ways to ensure that the blog post writing gig you select will actually suit your needs.

  • Look at the gig photos – while this might seem pretty basic knowledge, the gig photos can often reveal some things that might not be exactly right with the gig you’re currently eyeing. Look out for people who only use generic or poorly cropped stock photos in their gig images, don’t provide work examples, or have spelling mistakes anywhere in their gig-related assets.
    • The quality of the gig images doesn’t necessarily represent the quality of the final copy you’ll be getting, but in some capacity it’s able to show how much the seller does care for their gig’s appearance (and so, if he/she takes their job seriously).
  • Check out the reviews – don’t mind the very best ones that much, as many people tend to leave unsupported positive reviews by default, and there is always a chance of reviews getting botted.
    • Take a look at the reviews that are 3 stars and lower. These ones will most of the time feature the very much valuable info on what can go wrong when working with the chosen seller you’re planning to work with. Mind that on Fiverr you can leave more than one rating/review if you order one gig a few times. Look out for gigs with tens of 5 star reviews from the same buyer and no other reviews at all.
  • Read the gig description thoroughly – while this is no surprise, you should always make sure that the seller is able carry out your order correctly before you order. In case of most gigs, the description will tell you exactly what info do you need to provide to order your blog post copy / blog article, and what the writer can and/or cannot really do. Some sellers even have a small message in their gig descriptions stating that you shouldn’t place and order with them unless you content them first. Always read all the available gig info before you place an order.
  • See the work examples – Most of the professional writers on Fiverr will either have some examples of their work in their gig pictures, or have them linked in the gig description. If not, know that many sellers will be more than happy to provide you with their copy examples, be it in form of a portfolio, or a set of article snippets. Keep in mind however, that new sellers might not yet have a portfolio or a set of example articles to show you. In this case, you can either take a gamble and trust them, or keep on searching.
  • Take a look at the order count – In general, buyers on Fiverr will come back to the author if they do appreciate their content, use it and find it useful. Actually, that’s exactly what I did when I recently found a writer that was perfect for my needs. A large amount of orders the seller has had on a chosen gig (given its average rating is reasonably high) can be a good sign of the gig’s quality. Use it as one of the signs to figure out whether or not you should place your order with a chosen seller.

When following these important rules, as well as incorporating the very same common sense rules that you would when searching through various regular physical product listings online before purchase, you can make sure that your orders will be successful in the end.

If you’re curious already, give it a try and sign up for a Fiverr account right now. Creating an account is 100% free, and you can easily make your first Favorites list right off the bat to start collecting writing gigs that seem good for your needs to choose 2-3 final ones in the end.

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So, Is Fiverr Really Worth It For Blog Posts and Website Content?

While at the higher price levels you will always have better chances of succeeding with your content, I've been able to find lots of great lower priced SEO writing gigs on Fiverr without any trouble!
While at the higher price levels you will always have better chances of succeeding with your content, I’ve been able to find lots of great lower priced SEO writing gigs on Fiverr without any trouble!

Based on my experience I’d say – yes, definitely. While in the lower price range you might need to search and experiment for a bit to figure out which gigs you’ll end up choosing, in the higher price ranges you’ll in most cases be faced with the highest quality content written by people who know and care about SEO optimization of your content and are great at doing their job!

Take your time to browse through different gigs before you start to order. There are often small differences between blog post writing gigs that are seemingly minor, but might be of importance to you. For instance, most of the cheaper content writing gigs on Fiverr feature SEO keyword analysis included the price of the gig. Some however, might not. Always analyze the gig listings thoroughly.

If you’re keen on saving time and money on your SEO optimized website content and blog post copy, look no further than – there are so many of writers to choose from there that will suit every pocket. So don’t wait anymore and sign up for right now!

Ordering Blog Posts on – The Summary

In conclusion, buying blog posts on Fiverr can be well worth it, but as always it all depends on your overall goals and expectations. If you’re looking for affordable blog/website content that will be produced quickly, or high-quality, original content that will engage your readers and improve your SEO Fiverr can be a great option for you. And as always, the higher the price, the higher the quality of the ordered services in general – not a big surprise.

In the top priced categories Fiverr doesn’t disappoint when it comes to blog and website content writing. Be sure to always look for reviews and samples of the work before hiring a freelancer, and be clear about your expectations and requirements. Ultimately, I really do think that Fiverr is a great place to go when looking for written content at any point of your content creator’s journey. So, sign up for today and start outsourcing work right now!

If you would like to go the AI way, you could also consider incorporating AI article generating tools into your blogging arsenal. Get ahead of your competition in any way you choose!

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Main article photo: Markus Winkler

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